In the UK 131 million working days are lost to sickness absence every year.
1 in 3 of current UK employees have a long-term health condition.
1 in 8 of current Uk employees reported having a mental health condition.
in 10 employees reported having a musculoskeletal condition.
42% of employees with a health condition felttheir condition affected their work ‘a great deal’ or ‘to some extent’.
27% of people in Britain are reported to beobese, the worst rate in Western Europe.
60% of UK adults are classed as overweight.
Obesity is responsible for 30,000 deaths a year.
There are 7 million cases of diabetes, 6.5million cases of heart disease and stroke, and 500,000 cases of cancer linkedto obesity.
20% of 5 year old children are obese.
35% of the UK population are classed as pre-diabetic.
Every year diabetes causes 27,000 heart attacks and 100,000 cases of heart failure.
Someone is diagnosed with diabetes every two minutes.
Every week diabetes leads to 169amputations.
The dramatic increase in obesityis the main reason there are so many more people living with type 2 diabetes today than 20 years ago.
Heart and circulatory diseases cause more than a quarter of all deaths in the UK, that’s nearly 170,000 deaths each year – an average of 460 deaths each day or one every three minutes in the UK.
An estimated 27% of adults in the UK have high blood pressure – that’s over 14 million adults - more than half of them are not receiving effective treatment.
Strokes cause over 36,000 deaths in the UK each year and are the biggest cause of severe disability.
Over 900,000 people in the UK are living with heart failure.
People with a history of heart diseases are at least twice as likely to develop vascular dementia.
I practice functional nutrition that optimises natural health by correcting imbalances through nutritional intervention andlifestyle exploration.
Losing weight can be challenging, and there can be many ‘hiccups’ along your weight loss journey. You have a day when you know that you have eaten or drunk the ‘wrong’ things. Are you filled with food-regret, feeling ashamed, and ready to hit the ‘Start again” button on your diet?
read moreCue, routine, reward. Once a new pattern of behaviour becomes fully entrenched in your brain as a routine, you no longer need to feel motivated to take the action. You don’t even need to be fully aware of everything you’re doing; when you encounter the cue, the habit takes over.
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